Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Yesterday I had my 28 week growth scan.
Only I didn't, because I got to the centre to find that inexplicably they had it on the computer for today.
I was a bit cross and concerned because I'd arranged childcare to fit around the appointment, J is in Jersey today etc.
The receptionist checked her screen again, "No definitely the 17th. And then you've another appointment on the 26th."
"No I said, it's the 27th..."
"Oh," she said "No, that shows on the screen as changed to the 26th".

Now at this point I got a bit worked up - darned hormones - and upset. The receptionist spoke to one of the OB/ Gyn's PAs - not my consultant's PA as she wasn't there, but the one who usually deals with twins. She came down and took us aside to an "interview room" to sort it out.

Having checked what was booked so far, and changed the growth scan to Wednesday and a time I could do, rather than the appointment they had showing on the screen which I definitely couldn't manage, she then checked the appointment history.
And noticed I'd never had the 24 week scan I should have had. And that there was no arrangement made for the 32 and 36 week scans.
She promised to deal with it and then said that in the meantime, if we liked she'd see if the consultant could see us there and then, to do a quick scan for reassurance.

This she did and so we had another look at those two tiny babies yesterday. And, yesterday at least, they both had their heads together, and down! This could be all systems go for a vaginal birth, and the more points are in my favour - like both being cephalic - the better the chance of a natural, low interventionist birth surely? More iron, more beef, more green leafy vegetables. I'll be so miffed if the only thing that stops me is bloody anaemia!

This morning the actual consultant's PA called, apologised - I had indeed fallen through the net, either the consultant had never instructed that I would need the extra scans or else the instruction had never reached her.  Now given that I phoned them to check at about 22 weeks and the midwife did the same at about 26 weeks, that's not entirely acceptable. But hey, she booked the appointments going forward there and then. So hopefully we have it, finally, sorted now.

And I get to see the babies again tomorrow. The scan will be done by the newest member of staff who is based in Birmingham but will be working on the island for 2 days each fortnight. All the scans from here on in will be done by her.
I'm reassured by this too, if she works normally in the NHs then what is "normal" to her will be NICE guidelines, and that's great because I still can't find any kind of island based guidelines.

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