Thursday, 26 January 2012

30 week Consultant Appointment...

I'm tired and I'm going out tonight so this will be brief.

We had the 30 week appointment with my consultant today. Of course I managed to go without my "Birth Plan" but we still had a good chat about Mr J's expectations of the birth and ours.

He didn't rule out my managing the early part of stage one in water.
He would advocate epidural, though he didn't insist and said that mobile epidural is perfectly possible here.
He'd prefer constant monitoring but agreed that it could be intermittent in the initial stages - we may need further discussion on what constitutes intermittent and regular LOL.
He reiterated that they would attempt a vaginal birth of a second twin in the breech position and said that as he'd ultrasound on admission and after the birth of twin 1, while attempting any manipulation/ turning and before I started to push, they could be pretty certain they were getting it right. He's only once, years ago had a situation where the first twin was a vaginal birth and the second a c-section and this was because a registrar, thinking they were drawing down a leg had instead brought an arm down the birth canal - with the scans this wouldn't happen, they would be certain position was right.
He said that there would be no rush to deliver twin two, no immediate ARM, no automatic syntocinon  etc (as this was only done to stop everyone hanging about!) unless the scans showed evidence of the womb contracting down causing the placenta to start to separate.

All in all I feel positive about it - he also said that my iron won't be a bar to a vaginal birth and was quick to check ALL the figures concluding that it was probably low more because of dilution than anything else - I've had to argue this point in the past - but noting that my B12's a bit low too.
He didn't recheck, it can wait a few more weeks, he said.

And then he asked Ben - who was behaving beautifully, having had new shoes this morning - if he'd like to see the babies and he gave us a quick scan, so, today we have one cephalic and one breech - which is which he didn't know - "They keep changing how they call it" he said - still, clearly they still have room to move!

We asked how far along he thought we'd get and he said we were doing well and he thought we should make at least 34 weeks - so, that's when we need a grandparent here then!

The appointment over we made another for 34 weeks and then J,  Ben and I had lunch out and I bought new pyjamas, and HUGE knickers for my hospital bag - I'm almost ready to pack the thing!.

And as I said earlier, I'm off out tonight.
I belong to a local camera club, it's just a hobby really but I've been lucky enough to sell a few photos in the last 12 months, and I'm tired but 'm going anyway. life will grind to a near halt a bit once the babies arrive, I'm not going to let it happen sooner than it has to!


  1. Sounds like a fantastic appointment! Very positive indeed. So he'll make sure he's on call for your labour?

  2. I am so proud of you Tilly Floss, and hope you enjoy camera club tonight. I am always here for you sweetheart, and will be over on a plane as soon as you give me the all clear.
    Love to you & yours, Rx
