Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Birth Plans/ Thoughts/ Hopes

Anyone (especially twin mums) want to share theirs? And Anyone (especially those in the know) want to look over what I've got so far and tell me if I'm wide of the mark?

With Sam, my first, I had a beautiful birth plan that pretty much all went out of the window  :laugh:

With Josiah my birth plan was all about "Don't ask me to sign consents etc without my husband present unless it's life and death" and "I want someone to tell me when it's my last chance for an epidural - I don't want to hear 'It's too late' when I'm screaming"  :laugh:  Again, useless as he was born before my bags made it from the car!

With Ben I didn't write a plan - again my bag didn't get opened - but I sat down with midwives etc to agree a plan of action.

This time my research has shown that most twin births, even where not automatic c-sections, are pretty highly medicalised and I don't want that UNLESS it's necessary.

I have my 30 week consultant appointment on Thursday and wanted to get some things jotted down in advance of that in case it come up.

OK, so this is for discussion rather than a finished thing IYSWIM...


Have had 3 vaginal births, in Nov '05, June '07 and Dec '08. All three babies weighted 7lbs13oz or thereabouts.
Though the first was delivered with the aid of forceps, this was following a fairly medicalised labour (epidural, immobile, constant monitoring, ARM and syntocinon.
The second and third were both quick, easy births and both babies were born within minutes of arrival at the hospital.

Assuming twin 1 is cephalic:

Would prefer to avoid epidural.
Would like to be free to be mobile throughout labour. 
Happy to have CTG on admission and to be intermittently monitored.
Happy to have vaginal examinations as necessary.
Happy for a student to be present.
Would like to use birthing pool for 1st stage (In an ideal world would like to deliver in water but willing to get out for second stage) triggers for getting out of pool - rectal pressure/ waters breaking.
Happy for twin 2's position to be stabilised as twin 1 is born.
Happy to be examined to determine position of twin 2.
If twin 2 is transverse, transfer to theatre.
If twin 2 is breech would like to attempt vaginal delivery but willing to be guided by staff advice.
Happy to have active management of third stage.
Twins to have Vit K by injection.

Questions: Is there a time limit on delivery of twin 2? If so, why?
Do you advocate ARM for twin 2?

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