Friday, 6 January 2012

And the next hurdle...

Telling people, more specifically telling our parents.
Why is it that even when you are forty, and married, with 3 children already, telling your parents you are having another baby still feels a bit like you're informing them you've had sex for the first time.
In fact one friend's parent responded in exactly that way when informed about her first grandchild:  "You had sex then?" about 3 years after her daughter had moved in with her partner...

And being a long way away it had to be on the phone. It's never easy to build up to, harder still when your mother is determined to tell you, instead of listening to your momentous news, that the sister of a girl you never met but who she used to teach to swim is now working at the local council....


I've told her. I told her we'd known since August that we're having another one and that this week we'd had a scan and then pretty much exactly what I put on the 12 week scan post about what happened at the scan. 
I think she was too shocked to say much. She did, as predicted, say "oh Tilly no!" and questioned how I'd find individual time for them all, and say she was worried about my health given that I have such tough births, actually only the first was tough but she has selective/creative memory. Then she said I should have had children in my 20's, I pointed out that this would have meant being a single mother, and tbf she laughed and acknowledged that this wouldn't have been her ideal but moaned that by waiting we'd made her an old grandma- I had Sam at 34 - she had me, her eldest at 34. I had josiah at 35 and Ben at 37 - she had my brother at 37. So I pointed out that if she'd wanted to be a young grandma she should have had her own children sooner!
Anyway she did say congratulations. And it's done.

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