Monday, 16 July 2012

day in the life.... (part 2)

I give Ben an apple and load him and the twins into the car, grab my phone and keys and lock the door. We drive into town and drop J at work, stop at waitrose on the way back for 12 litres of baby milk and 4 of cows' milk.
Get home, bathe the babies, dress them, feed them again, load the dishwasher and head back into town to the GP's surgery. The twins are 16 weeks old and it's vaccination day today.
Ben frets in the car "I don't want the babies to be hurt, I don't want them to have jabs in them".
I call J and arrange that he'll take an early lunch and come with us so we swing by his office and then on to the surgery.
Ben, once we've told him that jabs give you super human bug fighting powers*, is fine.
6 needles and 2 screaming babies later we head into the centre of town to have lunch in a cafe, a treat for Ben for being good at the doctors', both babies feed again and then snooze.
From lunch we go to school, the need to arrive early and get a parking space amplified by the knowledge that I have a space ship to cart up to the car.

Everyone is very well behaved on the walk from school to car. But just as I'm loading them, C, the extra one, says in a quiet voice "I've got another nosebleed". Poor lamb, she's had then a lot recently. This one isn't too bad as they go but it still takes nearly 10 minutes, and 2 muslin cloths stained bright red to stem the flow.

I drop her at home and then take the boys back. The twins are screaming by now and need feeding again....

*"And insects mummy?"

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