Friday, 16 March 2012

The Arse?

A midwife I know tells me that no one has their baby until they first experience "The Arse".

This is that irrational unreasonableness that descends like a red mist over the heavily pregnant woman, sending her into frenzies of cleaning and demanding that "someone paint the spare room window frames NOW!" Because this baby cannot possibly be born until it has been done.
"The Arse" is that point at which you would cheerfully perform your own caesarian section with a wooden spoon from the baking drawer in the kitchen.

I'm not sure I'm quite there yet, but I'm pretty fed up. Insomnia is a killer - especially with a HB of 7.7, or lower. I can't get comfortable and I have had enough.

On happier notes, the car is back, at huge cost :weep: though the guy at the garage tried to make me feel better by cataloging the list of complaints the OTHER Alhambra in this week had had, and how much that would have cost to fix - it was older than mine, remind me to sell mine in about 4.5 years....

J's dad came through surgery and has been sent "home", well to J's sister's, this weekend as there's a vomiting bug on the ward so I think they wanted as many people as could go, gone.

I made 3 dozen cupcakes tonight for a Scouts cake sale tomorrow. The boys have football in the morning, and then I have to shop and meal plan for next week, when I'll be a bit busy...


  1. I'm taking bets on the boys arriving on Sunday, the best Mothering Sunday gift ever.
    6lb 6oz & 6lb 2oz ... I'll leave the names up to you but particularly like Gabriel (Gabe), and Nathaniel (Nate).

    Hope the arse isn't too bad, xXx

  2. You've been an absolute star throughout! I reckon a lesser woman would have crumbled by now!!!
    Good luck and best wishes for next week..!
