Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Breech presentation

I had my 32 week scan yesterday.
All is well, babies are growing well - scarily well! and measuring in at approximately 9lbs between them with twin 2 a little heavier than twin 1.
I still can't quite get my head around there being two of them...
There's still plenty of fluid around then both and both placentas and cords are doing a great job. So far so good.
They are also both in a transverse/ breech presentation.
I asked at what point their positions were likely to be "set" because their size and lack of space meant they couldn't actually turn anymore, and was told that this could be it. They might still move and become cephalic, but twin one has his bottom fairly low down, not "engaged" but not far off, so that could be his position for the rest of the pregnancy.

Which will of course mean a caesarian. I have an appointment in about 10 days with the consultant and I guess he'll scan me again then so we'll get an idea if they're still mobile, and if not I'm assuming we'll be discussing booking an "elective" c-section at 36/ 37 weeks ish, so it really is good news that they're a decent size.
It seems odd to think that I will then know the date my babies will be born in advance. A far cry from going overdue with the others ans waking each morning to wonder "is this the day?".
Though this is by no means certain, they could always decide they want out before any planned date.

I'm surprisingly ok with the idea of a caesarian considering how much I wanted as natural and non medicalised, a labour and delivery as possible.
It was never about an emotional need to push my babies into the world. I don't consider women who have had natural childbirths anymore entitled to use the phrase "gave birth" than those who went under the surgeon's knife. For me it's all all about giving life to what started as a tiny bundle of cells, not about how you deal with the short few last hours before they take their first breaths on the outside. I think in Spain they refer at it as "Giving light to a baby" I like that. bringing them from the darkness into the light.
No, it's not about wanting to labour, it was about not wanting to make labour something it didn't need to be filled with intervention and drugs and so on. If there is a medical need then that's easy, I'll do what they think best.
And if it does end up as a planned caesarian then we can make that work well, maybe we can drop the boys at school in the morning, ton our way to the hospital and then J can collect them at the end of the school day to tell them about their brothers. And my mum need have only Ben to worry about.

I got home to the best parcel I have ever received in my life, literally. But there's another post in that story!

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